Customer Support

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IR Information

Lee Seung-No, Managing Director [Planning]
TEL. 032)820-8203 / E-Mail. [email protected]

Cha Hee-Joong, Director [Chief of Stock Management Team]
TEL. 032)820-8252 / E-Mail. [email protected]

IR Information

IR Downloads

  • Financial statement
  • Income statement
  • Cash flow statement


Unit : KRW million , %

Item Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
current asset 194,718 225,928
non-current asset 97,579 104,356
asset total 292,297 330,284
current liability 121,126 139,629
non-current liability 19,588 21,541
liability total 140,714 161,170
capital 10,656 11,089
capital surplus 51,417 58,419
other capital components 11,293 18,673
earned surplus 78,216 80,933
non-controlling stake 0 0
capital total 151,583 169,114
debt and capital total 292,297 330,284


Unit : KRW million , %

Item Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
sales turnover 89,820 100,185
sales cost 77,120 85,661
gross margin 12,701 14,524
selling and managing expenses 7,881 9,317
operating profit 4,820 5,206
non-operating income 3,388 698
non-operating expenses 2,462 1,741
profit before income tax expense 5,746 4,163
income tax expenses 962 1,418
current income 4,784 2,745
other comprehensive income 2,346 7,351
total comprehensive income 7,130 10,097


Unit : KRW million , %

Item Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
cash flow from sales activities -10,569 -11,815
cash flow from investment activities -1,123 -2,989
cash flow from financial activities 7,011 12,298
cash increase (decrease), -4,681 -2,506
initial cash and cash assets 12,578 12,578
effect of changing foreign exchange rates 67 174
term-end cash and cash assets 7,963 10,246